Zambrano Moreno was born Martina 1,951 in Puebla de Sancho Prez (Badajoz). From a very girl is sintiatrada for painting thing that always seems to get a magical pencils and paper. At school the art that caught his attention most was the picture of who was creating his own existence. In the year 1966 to enroll the municipal school of applied arts and artistic crafts of Pamplona .. Recognized its qualities for drawing and painting won several awards including the award include Paul Knight granted by the city of Pamplona in the year 1,970. A collaborated in several group exhibitions organized one-ised by the Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona received the commemorative medal of the exhibition "Painters of Navarre." His first individual exhibition took place in 1977 in the "Citadel" (Pamplona). He subsequently traveled to several countries in Europe where he has exhibited his works. In 1978 Namur (Belgium) In 1979 Normandy (France) in 1980 in the auditorium of the City of Guimar (Tenerife) in 1981 in the exhibition hall of the Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Tarragona. In 1982 in the exhibition hall of the Plaza de Reus Prin. In 1,986 in the showroom Zafra (Badajoz) in 1986 received a certificate commemorating the City of Puebla de Sancho Prez (Badajoz) during a tribute to the immigrant. In 1990 he exhibits his works in the Troy hotel in Playa de las America in 1995 back out in the Gala Hotel Playa from the Americas (Tenerife). Martina is the subject of the portrait specialize working face to the public by copying the natural faces of a adquiriuna sta great experience creating their own technique. Another of his favorite hobbies is publicsu first book of poetry "pigeons" in the year in August 1979 the year 2003 in Puebla de Sancho Prez tube in the living room instead of the City Council acts, the presentation of the book of poetry entitled: Universe.